I love photography. I love everything about it. I love to capture emotion and connection between people, children and families and I feel the desire to document life with every ounce of my being. If you know my work you already know this.
I photograph people. I am not a landscape photographer. I absolutely love to document the surrounding lands in a beautiful location. There are photographers I admire who can photograph the landscape and make the land come alive. You can literally feel the landscape and its' emotion through their photograph as if it were a person. It leaves me in awe and makes me feel a connection with the area they are documenting. Landscape photography is an art all on its' own. I often feel I fall short in this area of photography.
Then I discovered the landscape presets and brushes from the Sleeklens called Through the Woods. Now! Only Now do I feel I have found my tool to create my landscape vision! Just Wow.
Up until now I have been using presets that I would use to edit photos of children and families. Well, you just cannot mold the true essence of landscape with those presets.
Will you get close? Sure.
I know there are those out there that are saying to themselves right now, "It's not the presets or editing process that create the perfect landscape photo! It's the composition and the use of light!" Well, of course! However to create the final piece of art these presets by the SleekLens certainly helped ME in creating my final vision.
Here are some of the landscape photos I have taken in the last few months. Some of them are from my trip to Ireland and some are the Long Island sound. Two very, very different landscapes. I think you will see that the Through the Woods landscape presets are an amazing tool to have in your tool box!
Then go try them out for yourself : https://sleeklens.com/product/landscape-lightroom-presets/ and https://sleeklens.com/product-category/lightroom-presets (These presets are also available for Photoshop users...I use Lightroom).
View from a hill in West Cork Ireland
Before RAW Image:

After: cropped and edited with Heavenly Warmth

The Point West Cork Ireland
Before RAW Image:

After: Edited with Calm Sunset

The Cliffs of Moher
Before RAW image:

After: Edited with High Dynamic Range

Cliff of Moher 2
Before RAW image:

After: Edited with The Real Teal

New York Waterscape
Before NY Waterscape Raw:

After: Edited with Pressed in Time

Farmland in Ireland
Before RAW image:

After: Edited with Color Pop

After version 2: Edited with Love Me Tender + Clarity

After version 3: Edited with pressed in time

I hope this helps you! Now, Im off to photograph some awesome landscapes!!