Frames in a Day: Fairy Dust

February 03, 2015  •  3 Comments

"And as the seasons come and go, here's something you might like to know. There are fairies everywhere: under bushes, in the air, playing games just like you play, singing through their busy day. So listen, touch and look around - in the air and on the ground. And is you watch all nature's things, you just might see a fairy wing." ~Author Unknown.


To say I take a lot of picture is an understatement.  And many times it's multiple images of a particular moment.  Then I have the challenge of picking just one or two from the lot that I want to share.  Sometimes it's impossible.  Which brings me to this blog post.  

My daughter was looking for a certain toy in the "everything" toy bucket.  It's a compilation of, well, "everything" toy related. The good bits of broken toys that can be used for other things, the random crayon and hair-tie, various little people figures, a lego minifigure here and there. And on this particular day, a make-up puff from a kids make-up kit was found. 

When you shake the puff, little glittery powder puffs out.  Combine that with the pretty afternoon light that was streaming into her room and well you have a photographer's dream ingredients for an interesting image.  The light hit the glittery powder and 11 pictures later......


Some have little flaws, like blurred motion and blown highlights, but I couldn't get myself to delete them. There's something about her expression in each of them that drew me in...much like a fairy would if you happened upon one.  

Thank you for stopping by!







professional resume writer australia(non-registered)
Beautiful pictures of the little angle I have found your work really excellent. I believe after the help on your blog the people would able to get connected. You must keep posting your excellent work here do share more such updated photographers.
Tiffany Erb(non-registered)
They are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
Laura Carlson(non-registered)
I adore your work Meagan! These are absolutely magical!
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