30 Minutes in the Life : March 2015

March 30, 2015  •  7 Comments


Welcome to 30 minutes in the life, mine, this March.  


This particular installment includes lots of firsts for the start of this Spring season: bubbles, starbucks, swings, seesaw, sandbox, stairs, an old styrofoam container and grasshoppers.

Hmmmm...Which part of that list is most intriguing? The fact that almost every word in the list begins with an "s" or  grasshoppers?


The first bubbles of the season...always eventful and never tiring!

My Starbucks and her bubbles....

First swings of the season too...


kicking and smashing an old styrofoam container...playing with trash is a form of recycling. Isn't it?

a rest on the steps...

Cheesy smile on the stairs...


Grasshopper Bike Racks...

"Go forth young grasshopper...and leap...well...like a grasshopper!"

and riding a grasshopper...

Thank you for stopping by and spending time with my 30 Minutes this month!  I hope you found it as eventful as I did!  



like you had a whole lot of fun https://chinesebuffetnearmenow.net/ I love the first image and 9-11 where she is on the step laughing. So beautiful and infectious. I want to laugh along with her.
Amanda Voelker(non-registered)
Oh Meagan, What a precious and fun set! I Love these so much and they brought some sunshine to a somewhat cloudy day for me today.
Oh my gosh, she is too cute Meagan!. It looks like you had a whole lot of fun. I love the first image and 9-11 where she is on the step laughing. So beautiful and infectious. I want to laugh along with her.
Charlotte Kitchenside(non-registered)
She is just gorgeous, such an infectious smile and agree - bubbles never get old! Beautifully captured!
Stacey Markel(non-registered)
So fun!!! She has such a beautiful smile that you just want to smile along with her!! Great images this month Meagan!
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