The Daily Frame : March 27 2015

March 27, 2015  •  3 Comments

Always seeing something, never seeing nothing, being photographer” ~Walter De Mulder

Welcome to the Daily Frame for this week!  So glad you are here!  Here's my week in reverse!!


The Daily Frame | 85 of 365:

"The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates."
~Oscar Wilde

We "spotted" Spring.


The Daily Frame | 84 of 365:
"A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man’s mind can get both provocation and privacy." ~Edward P. Morgan


The Daily Frame | 83 of 365:

"A chain is as strong as its' weakest link."

I don't know who the quote author is but this is something my grandfather said to me years and years has stayed with me ever since. I had live with them for a few weeks at the beginning of the school year when I was in 4th or 5th grade. My Nana had taken me out to to buy some new school clothes and accessories. I had picked put this really cute silver chain type belt with a pretty silver flower on the front. I was so excited! I remember exactly where I stood in their big house when I showed it to my grandfather and he said to me "A chain is as strong as its' weakest link." At the time, I thought, "ok.....I have no idea what that means but I'm glad you like my new belt??" I kinda felt the wind taken from my sails....LOL.... Anyway, I understand the quote now. Funny how some things no matter how small, stick with you.


The Daily Frame | 82 of 365:

“There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.” ~Bram Stoker, Dracula

Ok, I know what you are thinking...oh no, look out...more swing shots from this original. Right? I thought the same but then I looked closer and saw that the frame is almost sliced in half on a diagonal with light on one side and dark on the other; she is right there in the middle of it all swinging out of the dark of winter and into the light of spring.


The Daily Frame | 81 of 365:

"Memory is a way of holding on to 
the things you love, 
the things you are 
and the things you never want to lose." ~Kevin Arnold


The Daily Frame | 80 of 365:

"No Act Of Kindness Is Too Small. The Gift Of Kindness May Start As A Small Ripple That Over Time Can Turn Into A Tidal Wave Affecting The Lives Of Many." ~Author Unknown


The Daily Frame | 79 of 365:

"Weather is a great metaphor for life -- sometime's it's good, sometime's it's bad and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella." ~Terri Guillemets

Snow on the first day of Spring....

Thank you for revisiting my week with me! I hope you enjoyed it!  Click thru to my talented Daily Frame neighbor, Colleen Putnam Photography!!

See you next week!!


Such phenomenal captures and writing to go along!!
Meagan, I love them all, but Day 79 is AMAZING!!! I hope you print this and hang it.
Colleen P(non-registered)
oh my goodness, love these photos, especially the last one with your daughter in the umbrella!!!!!
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